Z2 Money for MOD Developers v0.1
This MOD is for developers.
It is not recommended to use it while progressing in the game.
The current development environment is very inefficient when checking consistency with existing add-ons and store UI. Especially when it comes to money, you lose a lot of time.I made a simple MOD to solve this problem.
How to increase money
Purchase as many vehicles as you need from the store.
There are a lot of unnecessary vehicles in the garage, but the following explanation will solve it.
How to dispose of increased number of vehicles
– Exit the game
– Replace with the downloaded file below
for sale
C:/Users/*username*/Documents/My Games/Expeditions/base/Mods/.modio/mods/3806374
– Verify that the vehicle name and price have changed
– Sell the vehicle
– If you want to restore it, overwrite it with this file
For purchase