Manual Bridge (Long) v1.0
This adds a new inventory item which allows you to deploy a bridge on the map. Purchase it when deploying and use it from your inventory.
The bridge is solid and has high friction to allow you to drive across it even on steep slopes.
Bridges showing up red when you try to deploy them? https://www.expeditionsmods.com/anchor-placement-tweak-v2-0/ fixes that.
– Mods like this aren’t officially supported yet (or ever?), so it’s not perfect
– Bridge placement may be blocked by obstacles, so move it around to find a good spot!
– The bridge follows the curve of the terrain at the point where it is placed. Use this to place it at the right angle for a slope
– Rotate the bridge while placing it with A/D , or L1/R1. These prompts do not appear in the game UI
– You can remove the bridge like an anchor, by winching to it and holding the Remove button
– The game only supports a maximum of TWO mods that add inventory items. You can work around this limit by adding the mod pak manually to Documents\My Games\Expeditions\Media\Mods instead of subscribing, but this may block vanilla items from being purchaseable.